This is a story of successful entrepreneurship that has its roots in the vibrant heart of Milano.

Vis Ingenii's inception in 2016 marked the culmination of a journey that began in 2008 when Lorenzo Canzi and Maria Cecilia Varischetti, both distinguished engineers and life partners, started consulting together. Their union was more than matrimonial; it was a fusion of shared fervor for engineering brilliance.

Lorenzo, with his profound knowledge in Industrial Engineering, and Maria Cecilia, a virtuoso in Chemical Engineering and a doctorate in Physics, brought together an extraordinary array of skills. Their collaborative consulting period laid the groundwork for what would become Vis Ingenii – a company synonymous with innovation, driven by their vision, aspirations, and relentless commitment to excellence.

In 2016, their entrepreneurial dream materialized into Vis Ingenii. The company quickly became a beacon of innovation, ignited by their combined expertise in Chemical and Industrial Engineering and enriched by Maria Cecilia's profound understanding of Physics. This unique amalgamation of skills enabled them to navigate the multifaceted challenges of the industry with finesse, introducing cutting-edge solutions underpinned by insightful leadership.

Together, Lorenzo and Maria Cecilia have sculpted a legacy that transcends geographical boundaries, a legacy that is a testament to the power of shared dreams and the relentless pursuit of quality. Vis Ingenii, under their stewardship, has emerged as a paradigm of engineering excellence, inspiring a generation of engineers and entrepreneurs alike. Their journey from a consulting duo to the founders of a globally recognized firm epitomizes the essence of true entrepreneurship in the world of engineering.

THE FIRST PERIOD - 2016-2020

From its inception in 2016 to 2020, Vis Ingenii embarked on a remarkable journey, laying a robust foundation under the strategic guidance of Lorenzo Canzi and Maria Cecilia Varischetti. During these formative years, the duo's visionary leadership and technical acumen were instrumental in steering the company through the initial phases of establishment and growth.

In this period, Lorenzo and Cecilia focused on building a solid foundation for Vis Ingenii. They meticulously crafted the company's ethos, blending innovative engineering solutions with an unwavering commitment to quality and client satisfaction. Their collaborative approach, drawing from Lorenzo's industrial engineering expertise and Cecilia's profound knowledge in chemical engineering and physics, positioned Vis Ingenii as a unique player in the engineering professional services market.

A significant achievement in these early years was the development of a robust customer and partner base. Through their extensive network and reputation for excellence, they attracted a diverse clientele, ranging from small enterprises to large corporations. The partnerships they forged were based not only on business transactions but also on shared values and mutual respect, which became a hallmark of Vis Ingenii's approach to business relationships.

Lorenzo and Cecilia also focused on establishing Vis Ingenii's credibility and presence in the competitive engineering services market. They achieved this through consistent delivery of high-quality services, adherence to industry standards, and by staying ahead of technological advancements. Their commitment to innovative solutions and customer-centric approach rapidly garnered recognition and accreditation in the industry.

By 2020, Vis Ingenii had not only established itself as a reliable and innovative engineering services provider but had also laid a strong foundation for future growth. The company's early years were marked by strategic decisions, solid customer relationships, and a reputation for excellence, setting the stage for its continued success and expansion in the engineering sector. Lorenzo and Cecilia's leadership during these years was pivotal in shaping the company's trajectory and in building a legacy that continues to drive Vis Ingenii forward.


From 2020 onwards, Vis Ingenii navigated through the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating remarkable resilience and adaptability. In these years, the company not only sustained growth but also expanded its customer and partner base, a testament to its robust operational model and forward-thinking leadership.

Despite the global economic uncertainties, Vis Ingenii seized the opportunity to deepen its market presence. Leveraging their strong foundation, Lorenzo and Cecilia led the company in adapting to the new normal. They embraced innovative technologies and remote collaboration tools, ensuring uninterrupted service delivery and maintaining close ties with clients and partners.

This period saw Vis Ingenii expanding its reach, welcoming new clients from various sectors and forging strategic alliances with key industry players. The focus remained on delivering exceptional value, with an emphasis on understanding and meeting the evolving needs of their clients during these challenging times.

One of the most notable aspects of this phase was Vis Ingenii's involvement in several groundbreaking engineering projects. The company undertook initiatives that were not only complex but also path-breaking, reflecting their commitment to innovation and technical excellence. Some of these projects, recognized for their ingenuity and technical prowess, are still in progress, promising to set new benchmarks in the engineering sector.

During these years, Vis Ingenii’s growth trajectory was characterized by strategic expansion, a reinforced customer base, and a steadfast commitment to delivering quality. The company’s ability to thrive amidst adversity showcased its agility and preparedness, further cementing its reputation as a reliable and forward-thinking player in the engineering services industry. Lorenzo and Cecilia's leadership through these times steered Vis Ingenii through challenges, turning them into opportunities for growth and innovation.